4 Gifts that children can make without breaking the bank

by | Nov 22, 2020

With the holidays just around the corner and the financial stress the pandemic has brought, making gifts for teachers, friends and grandparents can be a fun and cost-effective solution, writes Teixeira Murray.

We can all list the number of negative things the pandemic has brought about, yet most of us have become a tad moreย crafty and this is no bad thing. Not only are crafts a great way to spend time with your children and make great gifts forย friends and family, but you can save some money too. (Donโ€™t we all need to do that?)ย Besides, DIY gifts are just that much more special, as so much thought and effort goes into making the gift. We have listedย four easy craft ideas for you to make over the next few weeks, and they are sure to brighten up anyoneโ€™s day. Many of theseย will require adult supervision.

1. Brown Sugarย Vanilla Body Scrub

Who doesnโ€™t love yummy smellingย body products? And what a treat if youย can make delectable body scrubs idealย for aunts, grannies, teachers and dadsย and package them in an assortmentย of inexpensive beautiful glass jars thatย are so easy to find.

You will need:

  • 2 cups of brown sugar
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 1 cup coconut oil or any carrier
  • oil like jojoba oil (odourless oilsย work best)
  • 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract
  • Glass jar of choice
  • Ribbon with tag/or chalkboard
  • Glass jars to write on
  • Cute spoon or scoop

In a bowl, mix together brown andย white sugar until no lumps are present,ย then add the oil and vanilla, and mixย well. Package into jar and add tie yourย spoon or scoop on the outside with aย pretty tag.


2. Childโ€™s handprintย clay jewellery dish

Create a keepsake handprint jewellery dish outย of clay. This special gift will melt anyoneโ€™s heartย and is easy to make.

You will need:

  • Air dry clay (can find at a craft shop)
  • Washable paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Rolling pin
  • Parchment paper
  • Pencil
  • Small bowl of water
  • Small glass bowl
  • Craft knife
  • Cutting mat

Roll out a small ball of clay between two sheetsย of parchment paper large enough to cover yourย childโ€™s hand. The clay shouldnโ€™t be too thin, butย a nice thickness that will be durable. Place yourย childโ€™s hand on the clay and lightly trace aroundย your childโ€™s hand and fingers. Cut out the tracedย hand with a craft knife and remove excess clay.ย Use a little water to smooth out any roughย edges and desired effect is achieved. Mould theย hand print by letting it dry over an upside downย bowl. Take some parchment paper and placeย over the handprint, gently press down with aย book to create a level area that will ensure theย dish is sturdy and flat when dry. Leave to dry forย 48 hours.

3. Scented milk candles

There is nothing like a scented candle to create ambience. The childrenย will love making these.

You will need:

  • Old crayons, or leftover candle bits or wax
  • Wicks made from string dipped in paraffin
  • Scissors
  • Double boiler (boil over a pot of simmering water)
  • Full fat milk
  • Essential oil of your choice: 1-2 drops
  • Glass jars of choice
  • Pencil or wooden skewerย (Depending on how much wax is used,ย it will be 2 parts wax to 1 part milk)

Melt wax, crayons or old candles in a double boiler, this must be doneย by an adult. Once melted, add milk and essential oils. Place the wickย into the jar and twist the wick onto a pencil or sosatie stick to keep itย in the centre of the candle as it dries.

4. Rice Bag Warmers

This might just be the best practical DIY gift you and the little ones can make. This nifty rice bag warmer can keep you warm andย even ease some muscle pain. It will require a little sewing, but the end result will be very cute.

You will need:

  • 6cm x 6cm piece of flannel
  • 1 cup of white or brown rice (donโ€™t use instant rice)
  • Sewing pins, matching thread and sewing machine
  • Essential oil of your choice: 1-2 drops

Fold your flannel square (inside out) into a rectangle and sew closed three sides, leaving one side open: an adult will have toย help with this. Turn your bag right-side out and fill your bag with enough rice (mixed with essential oil of choice) to fill itย three-quarters of the way. Tuck the seams of the open side in, and sew closed. You may want to make a small card withย instructions to add to the rice bag warmer: Heat rice bag in microwave for no more than two minutes at a time, and use asย needed on neck, back, shoulders, etc.