The journey into nursery school is an exciting milestone for both children and parents alike. Among the many enchanting experiences that unfold during this period, your little one forming their first friendships holds a really special place. Take note of these budding...
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Five-minute Games that Help Lay a Solid Foundation for Future Maths Success
School-age children remember more when they study 10 minutes a day for six days leading up to a test, as opposed to spending an hour studying the day before. This phenomenon is called the spacing effect. This principle also explains why pre-schoolers learn more from...
Preparing your child for preschool
Your little oneโs first foray into the world, in the form of preschool, can be quite daunting for both of you! Speech and Language Therapist Nicolette Louw gives you some pointers on how to prepare yourself, and your child. You and your child are probably feeling both...