Q: What is currently in your nappy bag?

A: Nappies, wet wipes, hand sanitiser, plastic changing mat, disposable changing mats, nappy sacks, baby jelly, alcohol-free hand and mouth wet tissues, sunscreen, one change of clothes for my baby and another one for my three-year-old son, air freshener in a small plastic spray container, Pedia Kids Antiseptic Spray for cuts and bruises, Arnidol Gel Stick (bought in Spain), formula container, sterilised bottles, and Nurofen (for emergencies).

Q: What is the one essential nappy bag item (besides the nappies, wet wipes and bum cream) that you just can’t leave home without?

A: The air freshener that I pour into a small spray container. I use this every time I change my baby´s nappy in a public bathroom or at friends’ houses; I don’t want to leave the space smelling bad. J

Q: If your nappy bag could talk, what stories would it share?

A: So many! But maybe about the many times in the beginning after I had my first baby, when I needed to change the nappy and I didn’t have more nappies in my bag! One day I had to ask a stranger-mom in a restaurant if she could sell me a nappy!

But then last year, a mom in a park was in the same situation and asked me if I could sell her a nappy. I gave it to her, but I was so relieved to know that I wasn’t the only one.

Q: How often do you repack your nappy bag?

A: Every day – as I learnt my lessons from the past (hahaha!).

Q: What brands are your nappy bags and why did you choose these particular brands?

A: I have two nappy bags as I also learnt that it is so important to have a spare one. Both are black backpacks as they are much more comfortable to carry when I have my hands so busy with baby, pram, toys, bottle, etc. One is Jeep and the other one is Graco. I bought both of them in the USA as you can’t get them in South Africa. I love these two bags because they are nappy bags adapted into backpacks, so every single pocket is used for baby’s needs. One, for example, keeps the bottles warm; another one is for the wet wipes. I also love the fact that they are black, so they go with all my outfits.

Q: Has your husband mastered carrying the nappy bag and still looking manly?

A: Yes! That is actually one of the reasons I bought these nappy bags. Both are black and look like normal backpacks, so my husband also carries them.

Q: When do you think is the best time – during your little one’s milestones – to ditch the nappy bag?

A: I would say at around 18 months. At this age with my son, I changed it into a small, cute backpack into which I packed the basics: two nappies, one bottle, one snack, one antiseptic spray and one change of clothes. He loves to carry that small backpack. Now, with my son and a newborn baby, I put everything back into the nappy bag so I don’t have to carry two bags.

By Diana Hoyos

Blog: www.agirlinafrica.com

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