I’ve always longed to have a child of my own, someone I could shower with love and affection. My own human being.
From the time you find out you’re pregnant, your life changes for the better. The minute your baby is born and is brought into this world, you know things will be different. The amount of love and affection you have for this tiny human being you’ve just met and created suppresses any feeling you’ve ever had.
Your focus now shifts towards being the best parent you can be. To be the best mom who protects her children from getting hurt or harmed in any way, to be their friend, someone they can talk to when they need advice, to be a doctor and nurse your children back to good health. I’ve been a mom for almost two years now, and there’s so much joy a child can bring into your life.
Being a mom is a full time job that you hardly get a break from, but just a hug and kiss or a good laugh with your child melts your worries away and brightens up your day.
There are ups and downs like their first smile or words to their first steps, to the sleepless nights of aching gums and tummy aches.
I love every moment of it. I get to watch in amazement at the person my little one is growing into, but to also help her and be there for her every step of the way.
I’m a proud mama at everything my little girl has accomplished so far, and I will continue to shower her with love and support and nurture her into being the best person she can be.
Being a mom means endless years of love and affection, but also to show them right from wrong, to teach them to follow your heart and to fulfil their dreams. To work hard but be humble, honest and have empathy towards others. Being a mom means the whole world to me.
It’s an honour and a privilege to experience motherhood.
About the author: Loveena Pillay is a stay at home mom to a 16-month-old. She blogs at Love mama and me