Raising two kids under the age of four years old, is a noisy affair. Giggles, screams, the sounds of electronics going off and the latest animation movie blaring from the TV screen, is a norm around our parts. But we were so chuffed to add the Leap Frog Learn & Groove Musical Mat from Prima Toys to our daily symphony! I mean, this toy is pretty amazing!

The playmat is over four feet long, with more than 50 songs and phrases for your little one to enjoy. It features 10 circles, each encompassing a number, an animal and a different musical instrument. The music notes correspond to the number and my kiddies are having the best time pairing these up!

I’m especially pleased that both little ones can play at the same time! There are three modes of play: Explore, Music and Game. The game mode is quite popular. Kari enjoys following the instructions to waddle, hop and spin! The music mode has them learning more about musical instrument names and sounds.


I love that the mat teaches them to identify numbers 1 to 10. At the push of a button, they are encouraged to count claps and beats, with friendly animal friends spurring them on! Kari, ever the drama queen, has been using it to make up her own little songs ‒ learning rhythm, through play!

Learning through play is such a great gift to give your kids. The Learn&Groove Musical Mat does this, helping your little one to develop those gross motor skills. In fact, it has even received a bunch of cool accolades such as the Teacher’s Choice Award and the Tillywig Toy & Media Awards, in the category Brain Child Toy. So you know it’s the real deal! I am super impressed!







Luchae Williams is a young wife and mom of four. She has a 16-year-old son, 11-year-old stepson, three-year-old daughter and 10-month-old baby boy. Luchae is a co-founder of the annual Eastern Cape bloggers’ convention, #ECMeetUp, and is an avid blogger on www.myspreadsheetbrain.co.za.

My Spreadsheet Brain was voted runner-up in the Best Spirituality Blog category at the 2017 SA Blog Awards. It was also runner-up in the Best Parenting Blog category in the 2016 SA Blog Awards and was featured in Living and Loving in October 2016.