In the microscopic world of viruses, two seemingly diminutive adversariesโmumps and measlesโloom large in their potential to disrupt little lives. Best Care with Bestmed Medical Scheme delves into these intricate realms alongside Dr Kevanya Coopoo, offering valuable...
‘Spotting” the signs of Measles and Mumps
In the microscopic world of viruses, two seemingly diminutive adversariesโmumps and measlesโloom large in their potential to disrupt little lives. Best Care with Bestmed Medical Scheme delves into these intricate realms alongside Dr Kevanya Coopoo, offering valuable...
Baby 101: My Baby is Hereโฆ Now What?
That's a good question. As parents, we're often so caught up in preparation for the baby, the tremendous excitement and anticipation, that we forget to stop and ask ourselves what we practically need to prepare for once we're home with our bundle of love. Take a few...
Vaccination during Pregnancy
The experience of being pregnant during a pandemic and specifically during the third wave of infections in South Africa has been a challenge for many. Despite the advice put forward by the South African Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to get vaccinated...